Note the severe displacement in the block foundation. Gutters dumping water right at foundation doesn’t help!


 Very common to find gaps in weatherstrip, that will allow insects easy passage into your home.
Not much life left in this roof. Note the loss of granular material and cracking.

Almost every inspection I find lint build up in dryer ducts. These should be cleaned annually at minimum.

Wood deterioration due to sitting in direct contact with concrete. Try placing a strip of asphalt shingle under your stair stringers.

This wood trim was about 2” below grade, and severely decayed.

Gaps in soffits will allow birds, bats, rodents and insects easy access into your attic.

This is what is called an S-trap, and they are problematic for siphoning themselves dry, allowing sewer odors into the home.

This garage door had rodent severe damage.

This gray plastic piping is Polybutylene, and is known to be problematic in some cases.
There are a number of factors to consider when we find this in a home. Give us a call for details.

More Poly-B with plastic compression fittings.

Plastic Poly-B valves under the sink.

The breaker on the right has 4 wires terminated under the screw! That is a record for most wires on one breaker.
Some breakers are designed for 2 wires, but most commonly, only 1 wire per breaker is allowed.

This ivy was actually growing through the soffit into the attic space. Ivy looks nice, but is very destructive!

This flexible vinyl dryer duct is well known for collecting lint and becoming a fire hazard. Rigid metal ducting is best here.

Another badly fouled dryer vent. This was stuck open, allowing insects and rodents easy access into the home.
A mouse would make quick work of chewing a hole through that vinyl ducting!

This crawlspace was dripping wet with condensation. The vents were all blocked off with insulation for winter.
Proper ventilation is required to keep moisture to a minimum, as this leads to wood decay and organic growth.

This is why roof inspections every couple years are a good idea. This chimney had badly deteriorated mortar joints.
Installing 40 year shingles doesn’t mean the roof is maintenance free.

This white fabric tape is well known for possibly containing asbestos.
Another good example of why you need to inspect your home annually! The rubber gasket around the electrical mast was half missing.
I believe this was the result of raven damage.

More roof damage from ravens or wood peckers. I could see right into the attic through these holes!
This black staining on the roof sheathing is a result of not properly venting a bathroom fan duct out through the roof.
This duct had been run to the soffit, where the warm air traveled back up into the attic. Hot air rises! Vent these out the roof!

This bathroom fan duct had fallen off its roof vent. Duct tape in a hot attic will not hold long. Use the proper stainless band clamps!